Prayer of St Thomas Aquinas

(To be said before study or class.)
CONCEDE mihi, misericors DEUS, quæ tibi placita sunt ardenter concupiscere, prudenter investigare, veraciter agnoscere et perfecte adimplere ad laudem et gloriam nominis tui. Amen.
O MERCIFUL GOD, grant that I may eagerly desire, carefully search out, truthfully acknowledge, and ever perfectly fulfil all things which are pleasing to Thee, to the praise and glory of thy Name. Amen.
(To be said before writing , preaching, etc.)
CREATOR ineffabilis, qui de thesauris sapientiæ tuæ tres angelorum hierarchias designasti et eas super cælum empyreum miro ordine collocasti, atque universi partes elegantissime disposuisti. Tu inquam, qui verus fons luminis et sapientiæ diceris ac supereminens principium, infundere digneris super intellects mei tenebras tuæ radium claritatis, duplices, in quibus natus sum, a me removens tenebras, peccatum scilicet et ignorantiam. Tu, qui linguas infantium facis disertas, linguam meam erudias, atque in labiis meis gratiam tuæ benedictionis infunde. Da mihi intelligendi acumen, retinendi capacitatem, addiscendi modum et facultatem, interpretandi subtilitatem, loquendi gratiam copiosam; ingressum instruas,progressum dirigas, egressum compleas, tu, qui es verus DEUS et homo. Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula sæculorum. Amen.
INEFFABLE CREATOR, who, of the treasures of thy wisdom hast formed the nine choirs of Angels, and set them on high above the heavens in a wonderful order, and hast exquisitely fashioned and knit together all parts of the universe; do Thou, who art the true fountain and one principle of light and wisdom, deign to shed the brightness of thy light upon the darkness of my understanding, and thus to disperse the twofold darkness of sin and ignorance wherein I was born. O Thou, who makest eloquent the tongues of babes, instruct my tongue, and pour forth on my lips the grace of thy blessing. Grant me acuteness in understanding what I read, power to retain it, subtlety to discern its true meaning, and clearness and ease in expressing it. Do Thou order my beginnings, direct and further my progress, complete and bless my ending-; Thou who art true GOD and true Man, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
NIHIL OBSTAT: X. HENRICUS S. BOWDEN, Censor Deputatus. IMPRIMATUR: X. EDMUNDUS SURMONT, Vicarius Generalis. Westmonasterii, die 10 Maii, 1909. The Oratory, Birmingham, November 28, 1909.