Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

KYRIE eleison.
CHRISTE eleison.
KYRIE eleison.
JESU, audi nos.
JESU, exaudi nos.
PATER de coelis DEUS, miserere nobis.
FILI REDEMPTOR mundi DEUS, miserere nobis.
SPIRITUS SANCTE DEUS, miserere nobis.
Sancta Trinitas, unus DEUS, miserere nobis.
JESU, FILI DEI vivi, miserere nobis.
JESU, splendor PATRIS, miserere nobis.
JESU, candor lucis æternæ, miserere nobis.
JESU, Rex gloriæ, miserere nobis.
JESU, sol justitiæ, miserere nobis.
JESU, Fili Mariæ Virginis, miserere nobis.
JESU amabilis, miserere nobis.
JESU admirabilis, miserere nobis.
JESU, DEUS fortis, miserere nobis.
JESU, PATER futuri sæculi, miserere nobis.
JESU, magni consilii Angele, miserere nobis.
JESU potentissime, miserere nobis.
JESU patientissime, miserere nobis.
JESU obedientissime, miserere nobis.
JESU, mitis et humilis corde, miserere nobis.
JESU, amator castitatis, miserere nobis.
JESU, amator noster, miserere nobis.
JESU, DEUS pacis, miserere nobis.
JESU, auctor vitæ, miserere nobis.
JESU, exemplar virtutum, miserere nobis.
JESU, zelator animarum, miserere nobis.
JESU, DEUS noster, miserere nobis.
JESU, refugium nostrum, miserere nobis.
JESU, pater pauperum, miserere nobis.
JESU, thesaure fidelium, miserere nobis.
JESU, bone pastor, miserere nobis.
JESU, lux vera, miserere nobis.
JESU, sapientia æterna, miserere nobis.
JESU, bonitas infinita, miserere nobis.
JESU, via et vita nostra, miserere nobis.
JESU, gaudium Angelorum, miserere nobis.
JESU, Rex Patriarcharum, miserere nobis.
JESU, Magister Apostolorum, miserere nobis.
JESU, Doctor Evangelistarum, miserere nobis.
JESU, fortitude Martyrum, miserere nobis.
JESU, lumen Confessorum, miserere nobis.
JESU, puritas Virginum, miserere nobis.
JESU, corona Sanctorum omnium, miserere nobis.
Propitius esto, parce nobis, JESU.
Propitius esto, exaudi nos, JESU.
Ab omni malo, libera nos, JESU.
Ab omni peccato, libera nos, JESU.
Ab ira tua, libera nos, JESU.
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, JESU.
A spiritu fornicationis, libera nos, JESU.
A morte perpetua, libera nos, JESU.
A neglectu inspirationum tuarum, libera nos, JESU.
Per mysterium sanctæ Incarnationis tuæ, libera nos, JESU.
Per Nativitatem tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per Infantiam tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per divinissimam vitam tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per labores tuos, libera nos, JESU.
Per agoniam et passionem tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per crucem et derelictionem tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per languores tuos, libera nos, JESU.
Per mortem et sepulturam tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per Resurrectionem tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per Ascensionem tuam, libera nos, JESU.
Per sanctissimam institutionem Eucharistiæ
tuæ, libera nos, JESU.
Per gaudia tua, libera nos, JESU.
Per gloriam tuam, libera nos, JESU.
AGNUS DEI, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis, JESU.
AGNUS DEI, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos, JESU.
AGNUS DEI, qui tollis peccata mundi, misererenobis, JESU.
JESU, audi nos.
JESU, exaudi nos.
DOMINE JESU CHRISTE, qui dixisti: Petite, et
accipietis ; quærite et invenietis ; pulsate, et
aperietur vobis: quæsumus, da nobis petentibus
divinissimi tui amoris affectum, ut te toto corde,
ore et opere diligamus, et a tua nunquam laude
Sancti Noministui,DOMINE, timorem pariter et
amorem fac nos habere perpetuum,quianunquam
tua gubernatione destituis quos in soliditate tuæ
dilectionis instituis. Qui vivis et regnas.
LORD, have mercy on us.
CHRIST, have mercy on us.
LORD, have mercy on us.
JESUS, hear us.
JESUS, graciously hear us.
GOD the FATHER of heaven, have mercy on us.
GOD the SON, REDEEMER of the world, have mercy on us.
GOD the HOLY GHOST, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one GOD, have mercy on us.
JESUS, SON of the living God, have mercy on us.
JESUS, splendour of the FATHER, have mercy on us.
JESUS, brightness of eternal light, have mercy on us.
JESUS, King of glory, have mercy on us.
JESUS, sun of justice, have mercy on us.
JESUS, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.
JESUS, most amiable, have mercy on us.
JESUS, most admirable, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the mighty GOD, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the Father of the world to come, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the Angel of great counsel, have mercy on us.
JESUS, most powerful, have mercy on us.
JESUS, most patient, have mercy on us.
JESUS, most obedient, have mercy on us.
JESUS, meek and humble of heart, have mercy on us.
JESUS, lover of chastity, have mercy on us.
JESUS, lover of us, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the GOD of peace, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the Author of life, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the example of virtues, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the zealous lover of souls, have mercy on us.
JESUS, our GOD, have mercy on us.
JESUS, our refuge, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the father of the poor, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the treasure of the faithful, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the good shepherd, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the true light, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the eternal wisdom, have mercy on us.
JESUS, infinite goodness, have mercy on us.
JESUS, our way and our life, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the joy of Angels, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the King of Patriarchs, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the Master of the Apostles, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the Teacher of the Evangelists, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the strength of Martyrs, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the light of Confessors, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the purity of Virgins, have mercy on us.
JESUS, the crown of all Saints, have mercy on us.
Be merciful unto us, spare us, O LORD JESUS.
Be merciful unto us, hear us, O LORD JESUS.
From all evil, JESUS, deliver us.
From all sin, JESUS, deliver us.
From thy wrath, JESUS, deliver us.
From the snares of the devil, JESUS, deliver us.
From the spirit of fornication, JESUS, deliver us.
From everlasting death, JESUS, deliver us.
From the neglect of thy inspirations, JESUS, deliver us.
Through the mystery of thy holy Incarnation, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy Nativity, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy infancy, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy most divine life, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy labours, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy Agony and Passion, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy Cross and dereliction, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy sufferings, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy Death and burial, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy Resurrection, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy Ascension, JESUS, deliver us.
By the most holy institution of thy Eucharist, JESUS deliver us.
Through thy joys, JESUS, deliver us.
Through thy glory, JESUS, deliver us.
LAMB of GOD, who takest away the sins of the
world, JESUS, spare us.
LAMB of GOD, who takest away the sins of the
world, JESUS, graciously hear us.
LAMB of GOD, who takest away the sins of the
world, have mercy on us.
JESUS, hear us.
JESUS, graciously hear us.
Let us pray.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, who hast said: Ask, and ye
shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it
shall be opened unto you; grant, we beseech Thee,
to our most humble supplications, the gift of thy
most divine love, that we may ever love Thee with
our whole hearts, words, and works, and never
cease praising Thee.
O LORD, give us a perpetual fear as well as love of
thy holy Name, for Thou never ceasest to govern
those whom thou foundest upon the the solidity of
thy love, Who livest, etc.
NIHIL OBSTAT: X. HENRICUS S. BOWDEN, Censor Deputatus. IMPRIMATUR: X. EDMUNDUS SURMONT, Vicarius Generalis. Westmonasterii, die 10 Maii, 1909. The Oratory, Birmingham, November 28, 1909.