Litany of the Providence of God

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father, Whose holy Providence governs all things, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of mankind, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, unchangeable Providence, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, that governs all things in heaven and on earth, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, that gives, preserves, and governs our lives, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, the eternal love of man below, and angels above, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, ever conformable to the influence of the tender Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence,  that created, directs, and governs all things, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, our hope, life, and salvation, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, defense and comfort of the afflicted, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, guide and support of souls in all dangers, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, that providest us with all natural and supernatural gifts, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, inexhaustible treasury of the riches of heaven, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, protection and defense of the just, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, safe retreat and sanctuary of the miserable, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, our resource in all our wants, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, our anchor in storms, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, our security in danger, our guide, and safe haven, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence remedy in all evils, food to the hungry, and fountain of refreshing water to the thirsty, Have mercy on us.
Divine Providence, raiment of the naked, strength of the weak, protector of the widow, and mother of the orphan, Have mercy on us.

Divine Providence, refuge of sinners, Have mercy on us.

Providence of God, which rulest all things, infinitely deserving of our homage and adoration:
Spare us, O Lord!
Providence of God, which protectest and preservest all things, infinitely worthy of our homage and adoration:
Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Providence of God, which has created us, and knowest our weakness, infinitely above our homage and adoration:
Have mercy upon us, O Lord!

V. We praise and adore Thee, Divine Providence.
R. We resign ourselves to Thy just and holy designs.

Let us pray. Eternal God! Whose eyes are over all Thy works, especially intent on Thy servants: vouchsafe to turn away from us whatever is hurtful, and grant us whatever is advantageous, that through Thy favor, and under the benign influence of Thy special Providence, we may securely pass through the dangers and difficulties of this life, and happily arrive at the eternal joys of the next. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.

The Triumph of Divine Providence, 1633, Palace Barberini, Ceiling Fresco by Pietro da Cortona
The Triumph of Divine Providence, 1633, Palace Barberini, Ceiling Fresco by Pietro da Cortona

Taken from the Help of Christians, a manual of prayers compiled by the Sisters of Mercy and issued first in 1864 with the approbation of Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati.
From Kyrie eleison; two hundred litanies by Benjamin Francis Musser O.F.M. Westminster, Md.: Newman Press 1944
Nihil Obstat Leonard Naab, Censor librorum Imprimatur ✠ Bartholomew Eustace, S.T.D. Bishop of Camden 26 September 1945 Feast of the North American Martyrs