Saint Andrew Bobola - a Model of Faith and Martyrdom
St. Andrew Bobola, a Jesuit priest and martyr, is venerated as a heroic defender of the Catholic faith during the 17th century. Born in 1591 in Poland, Andrew Bobola joined the Society of Jesus in 1611 and was ordained a priest in 1622. He dedicated his life to pastoral work, evangelizing primarily in the eastern regions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, where tensions between Catholicism and Orthodoxy were high.
Known for his tireless missionary efforts, St. Andrew sought to bring many back to the Catholic faith. His zeal for preaching and catechizing earned him the title “Hunter of Souls.” He worked amidst political and religious conflict, primarily in an area that was undergoing wars and divisions among Christians. His ministry was marked by a deep love for the Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and unwavering commitment to his priestly duties.
St. Andrew Bobola’s ultimate sacrifice came in 1657 during a period of intense persecution of Catholics. He was captured by Cossacks, tortured, and brutally martyred for his faith. His suffering and death were not only a testimony to his personal holiness but also a powerful witness to the resilience of the Catholic Church during a time of great trials.
Pope Pius XI canonized him in 1938, recognizing his life as a model of missionary fervor and courage in the face of persecution. St. Andrew Bobola is revered as a patron of Poland and the Eastern missions, and his martyrdom serves as an enduring reminder of the call to defend the faith with unwavering courage, even at the cost of one’s life.
His feast day is celebrated on May 16th, and his relics are enshrined in the Church of St. Andrew Bobola in Warsaw, Poland. St. Andrew’s life invites the faithful to reflect on the power of perseverance in faith and the ultimate sacrifice of martyrdom for the sake of Christ and His Church.

From St. Andrew Bobola Roman Catholic Parish in Winnipeg, Manitoba
First, two important remarks:
(1.)The Novena to St. Andrew Bobola may be started any day during the pandemic threat.
(2.) Despite the fact that there are many elements related to Poland, Poles and Polish traditions in this text, prayer is equally effective in relation to all nationalities, cultures and languages, and now especially when we face a disease threatening every human life caused by COVID -19!
Opening prayer (said during all days of the novena)
Almighty and eternal God, we praise you for the world that you created for us, and for the people you put in our path of life. Thank you for our great model and advocate in adversity – Saint Andrew Bobola, whom you exalted above others for his exceptional faith, devotion and love. Thank you for the hard life of our Patron, who showed and continues to show us the path of development and growth in God. Today, we call to you, God, so that the difficult experience of this epidemic will deepen our faith and love, and strengthen our family, faith, and community. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
LITANY TO SAINT ANDREW BOBOLA (said all days of novena)
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us!
God the Father of heaven, – have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, – pray for us.
Saint Andrew Bobola, – pray for us.
Saint Andrew, faithful follower of the Good Shepherd, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, filled with God’s spirit, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, follower of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, the spiritual son of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, who loves God and his fellow men and women until they give their lives, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, in everyday life devoted to God and neighbor, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, united with God through constant prayer, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, a model of Christian perfection, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, Apostle of nations, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, called by God to unite separated sisters and brothers, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, a zealous teacher of children and religiously neglected people, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, unwavering in faith despite threats and torture, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, persistent in the greatest suffering, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, a martyr for Christian unity, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, martyr and apostle, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, apostle after the death of wandering relics of the tortured body, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, made famous by God in great miracles, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, the pride of our homeland, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, a great advocate of countries, pray for us.
Saint Andrew, our great patron, pray for us.
That all Christians may be one, – ask God for us.
That we never deviate from our faith, ask God for us.
That we would not commit any serious sin, ask God for us.
That we may do sincere penance for our sins, ask God for us.
That we may cooperate eagerly with God’s grace for our salvation, ask God for us.
That we would serve God faithfully, ask God for us.
That we would love the Blessed Virgin Mary as our Mother, ask God for us.
That we may endure all adversities, ask God for us.
That we may give you praise with God constantly, ask God for us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!
Verse: Pray for us, Saint Andrew Bobola,
Response: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
God, our Father, through the death of Your beloved Son, you gathered us, your scattered children. Make us eager to cooperate with your work, for which Saint Andrew Bobola, a Martyr, gave his life. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of nations!
We come to you today, asking for your intercession that the good God may end the epidemic in the world. You have witnessed epidemics and diseases yourself. You know how much suffering they bring and how they transform human life and the life of a nation. Pray for the grace of trust in God’s love and guidance. Help us understand and trust in the Lord Jesus’ words: “Do not be afraid.” We believe that through your intercession, the plague bypassed Pinsk and its surroundings during the Great War. We believe that even now, thanks to you, the virus will stop spreading.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of Nations!
We ask that through your intercession, God will give strength, courage and hope to those who are struggling with their illness. We ask that all patients and those at risk, obtain appropriate support and assistance. We believe in healing, presented in your beatification and canonization process and in many others that happened because of you. Please ask the merciful God to heal the sick who are infected with the virus, that they may regain full health and strength, if it is in accordance with His will.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of nations!
Put in a good word for those who face the sickness of others every day, who are ready to serve others in need, “for God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control (2 Tim 1: 7). May God protect them from all danger and appreciated for their self-sacrifice. You understand this because you yourself served the sick during the great plague in Vilnius, with dedication accompanying the sick and dying. We ask you to intercede for us to the Heavenly Father for the favors needed by priests in spiritual service, that you would call to God, that He would welcome all who left this world into His Kingdom, and that he would bring relief to suffering for families and friends who lost their loved ones.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of nations!
You who have brought the Good News to people – often alone and in remote areas, help us, in an emergency, to give the Gospel testimony of love, not only to those with whom we share a spiritual community, but also to those who are far from God. Ask for us, Saint Andrew, for the grace of love that meets all people and forgives everyone’s guilt. Teach us to selflessly serve others, support them with presence, word, material goods and all that we have received from God. “You received without paying, give without pay!”
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of nations!
We ask through your intercession, that the gifts of the Holy Spirit will fill our lives with good content and give us strength to fight everyday difficulties. We ask that the time of epidemic become a time of our conversion and ascension to God and an effective struggle with our character defects. We believe the Lord’s words: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Help us to rise above our limits, transform our character flaws into virtues and reach for victory over ourselves, following the example of what happened to you.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of nations!
Following the Lord, you overcame the wilderness and wasteland of Polesia. Let your example help us to go through this time full of worries, questions and anxiety. There are so many unknowns, so many threats. Ask the Lord for us, the grace to come out of darkness into the light. Ask God for perseverance and bravery in enduring difficulty, but also for humbly recognizing our helplessness and seeking peace in the Lord, who calls: “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt, 11:28). Please, help us to make the time of quarantine a time to stop in our daily pursuit, look at other people with love, build close relationships in the family, mutual understanding.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of Unity!
Through your intercession, we ask Almighty God for unity in our nation, Canada, for sincerity and generosity in ending quarrels, and quarrels in families, workplaces and politics. You very much wanted nations not to be torn by religious, social, political and economic divisions. You gave your life for Jesus’ desire: “that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou has sent me” (Jn 17:21). Let your sacrifice and forgiveness to our persecutors be a lesson for us to learn to rise above earthly matters. Let it bring us understanding that it is love that connects earthly and eternal life, that it will be our sign in heaven.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron of Unity!
Through your intercession, we ask God that this difficult time will lead to a great purification of our nation and rebuilding of a community based on the past, and open to the future. Help us understand that being a stranger does not necessarily mean hostility, and that conversation is the foundation of agreement. You spoke with everyone: simple peasants, scholars, Orthodox priests, and the nobility. Let it be a duration with God and the Saints of our country and openness to people in the spirit of evangelical love. Pray to the Lord for us, so that we will not waste this time, which can strengthen us spiritually and lead us to more maturity.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
Opening prayer … (recited on all days of the novena)
Litany to Saint Andrew Bobola … (recited on all days of the novena)
Novena prayer (different for each day of novena):
Saint Andrew Bobola, Patron Saint of Nations, Patron Saint of Unity!
(On the eve of the Annunciation) We turn to God through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Yours, that we may be able to entrust ourselves with God’s will. Your intercession granted the improvement of working conditions of people and the recognition of people that the Blessed Virgin is the Queen of Nations. We need you to look at all the matters of our homeland. In a spirit of entrustment, together with Mary and You, we ask God for the necessary favours for those in power who perform their duties with a sense of responsibility. We ask that the Holy Spirit embrace them with His power and strengthen their faith.
Saint Andrew Bobola, pray for us!
Saint Andrew Bobola, intercede for us!
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
The novena text was prepared by Mrs. Małgorzata Mularczyk, editor of the bulletin “Sanctuary of St. Andrzej Bobola” in Warsaw in cooperation with Jesuits from Szczecin.